Membership benefits
As a member of Finnish Jazz Federation, you will be able to influence the future of the entire country’s jazz industry as part of the Finnish jazz community.
Your membership benefits also include access to support for your activities, such as up to date information, skills and knowhow, financial support, and one-on-one guidance in practical matters.
Advocacy and representation
Jazz Finland participates as an expert body in discussions about Finland’s cultural policy, as well as actively participating in development projects related to the industry.
Tour productions with members-only pricing
Members have priority access to Jazz Finland’s tours. Three of the Jazz Federation’s fully produced tours are organised in the autumn season and three in the spring. As a membership benefit, members are eligible for reduced members-only prices for the tour concerts organised by Finnish Jazz Federation. In addition, the Jazz Federation tours include free transport, accommodation, sound and promotion in the national media.
Rates from 2025 onwards:
- Solo €250
- Duo €500
- Trio €750
- Quartet €1000
- Quintet €1,250
- Sextet €1,500 etc.
Discretionary travel assistance
The Finnish Jazz Federation’s travel assistance is a benefit offered to its member associations, designed to enable regional concert activities across Finland and support equality regardless of geographical location.
The primary form of travel assistance is the opportunity to use the federation’s contractual discount for car rentals. Another form of financial assistance is a travel allowance that can be granted to member associations towards concert or festival related travel expenses. In order to receive discretionary travel assistance, a member association must submit a written, informal application to Jazz Finland. If successful, the subsidy will be paid out against expense receipts. The maximum subsidy is €700 per event.
The third form of travel assistance for member associations is a subsidy towards travel to events. The maximum subsidy is €200 per event and it can be allocated towards expenses such as minibus hire when a member association organises excursions to attend concerts in nearby towns.
Development subsidy for member organisations
Finnish Jazz federation is introducing a new support scheme for its member organisations in the form of a pilot trial. During the month of November, the organisational members are invited to apply for a development subsidy towards new development projects which complement their core activities. Eligible development projects include expanding or further developing existing activities, or implementing new collaboration schemes. The subsidy cannot be applied for supporting the organisation’s core operations. In 2024, no support will be granted.
National Jazz Convention
In conjunction with the annual Tampere Jazz Happening each autumn, Finnish Jazz Federation organises a separate two-day event for its member associations. The National Jazz Convention’s program includes a range of discussion and training events, as well as Jazz Finland’s Annual General Meeting. Two awards are given out during the event: the prestigious Yrjö prize as well as the Varjo-Yrjö prize which is granted by the Yle Jazz Radio. The Jazz Federation reimburses one hotel night for each official member association representative participating in the Annual General Meeting, as well as a free festival pass to the Tampere Jazz Happening.
Training and discussion events
Finnish Jazz Federation organises a range of industry-related and topical training and discussion events.
Consultation and expert advice
Jazz Finland consults its members and offers expert advice in a range of questions regarding production, marketing and budgeting.
Discounts in hotel prices
The members are eligible for special accommodation rates at all GreenStar and Scandic Hotels in Finland. You can access the discounted rate by entering the discount code in the online booking form. The code and detailed accommodation rates are available to members upon request.
Providing information for members
Finnish Jazz Federation sends out a members’ newsletter with information about current matters, projects, tour application rounds and other member-related topics. Members will also be provided with other important industry-related information where appropriate. In addition, members have a private Facebook group for communicating with other members.
Autumn and spring meetings
The association’s statutory spring meeting is held no later than in May in the Helsinki region, and the General Assembly in late October or early November at the National Jazz Convention in conjunction with the Tampere Jazz Happening.
Part of the jazz industry network
Our members are part of an active, national network of jazz practitioners. The network facilitates information sharing, discussions about current industry issues, learning, and improving matters together. As a member of the Finnish Jazz Federation, you will be participating in the organisation’s development work, thus influencing the operational framework of your own industry into the future.