Learn sustainability with new Elma features
ELMA.live, a digital sustainability platform tailored specifically for the live music sector, was launched in September at the Music x Media event. The project is administered by Finnish Jazz Federation. Elma is based on the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals, and to celebrate the United Nations Day, October 24, Elma releases a learning package.
Elma.live is a browser-based planning tool, database and community platform providing industry professionals with information, tools and support towards their sustainable development efforts. Elma’s goal is to have environmental, social and economic sustainability present in the everyday activities of everyone involved in the live music industry – artists, ensembles, orchestras, event producers and venues. Elma’s content is based on the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals, and the platform’s three main features are:
1. SUSTAINABILITY PROGRAM – A roadmap tool containing concrete suggestions for actions supporting the development of a personalised sustainability program, complete with follow-up and reporting.
2. EDUCATION MATERIALS – A digital information and training bundle for sustainable development in the live music sector.
3. FORUM – A discussion forum to encourage networking, communication and information sharing between registered Elma users. Opens in late 2022.
In September, the platform users had a chance to learn about the sustainability program. On the international United Nations Day, the 24th of October, Elma unlocks the learning features. The educational section acts as an introduction to sustainable development on the live music field. The content consists of four 101 courses: People, Society, Nature and Economy. The crash courses are divided in 13 lessons.
In addition to articles, checklists and reading tips, the lessons include video interviews with e.g. journalist Renaz Ebrahimi, Eero Helle (Creative Technology Finland), Jussi Kallio (GreenEvents), Mikko Niemelä (Ruisrock), Sari Rusanen (Kuhmon Kamarimusiikki) and Ulla Varis (All Day Agency). On the video clips, the music professionals approach the aspects of sustainable development through their everyday work.
The learning material is available for free, but for registrated users only.
The service is designed to be user-friendly by responding to today’s requirements. The implementation is responsive and accessible for a range of different users and devices. The platform content will be published in Finnish during the first stage, with an English language version to follow at a later date.
Creators, supporters and partners
The Elma.live project is administered by Finnish Jazz Federation, and the technical implementation of the platform is managed by Positive Impact Finland. The project has received funding from the EU’s Recovery and Resilience Facility, administered by the Ministry of Eduction and Culture, as well as MES and ESES foundations.
Project partners include the members of the network KEMUT (Kestävämmän musiikkialan työkalupakki; ‘Sustainable music industry toolkit’). In addition to Finnish Jazz Federation, the network consists of Finland Festivals, LiveFIN, Music Finland, Finnish Musicians’ Union, and the Association of Finnish Symphony Orchestras.
More information:
Project Manager Anu Ahola / anu.ahola@jazzfinland.fi / +358 50 569 0505
Producer Peppi Arrimo / peppi.arrimo@jazzfinland.fi / +358 400 366 967
Senior Advisor Elina Levula / elina.levula@positiveimpact.fi / +358 44 024 0390
Finnish Jazz Federation’s Executive Director Maria Silvennoinen / maria.silvennoinen@jazzfinland.fi / +358 50 536 749