News – a digital toolkit for sustainable development in the live music industry – is now available in English

Valtteri Pokela

Since its launch in the autumn of 2022, the content of the platform is expanding even further. Majority of the content is now available also in English, and new lessons, action proposals, and further reading has been added to Elma’s learning materials in Finnish. New partners for Elma are the Finnish ticketing agency Tiketti and the sustainability agency Positive Impact. – the home of sustainable music – is a digital, free platform launched in the autumn of 2022. It provides professionals in the live music industry with information, tools, and support to promote sustainable development. With Elma, operators can learn about sustainability, create a sustainability program, and share knowledge and experiences with other professionals.

Elma is based on the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which cover ecological, social, and economic sustainability. Elma aims to make sustainable development a natural part of the everyday work of every professional in the live music industry.

With the update, is now available also in English. The material that requires free registration, such as lessons and the sustainability program tool, is currently only available to professionals operating in Finland.

Key themes and contents of Elma are

  • LEARNING MATERIALS – a digital information and education package on sustainability in live music.
  • RESPONSIBILITY PROGRAM – a roadmap tool for building, monitoring and reporting on your own sustainability programme.
  • COMMUNITY – a forum for networking, interaction and knowledge sharing

Tiketti and Positive Impact join as new partners for is available to the entire Finnish music industry as a free tool, thanks to the funding and partners involved in the development. New partners for Elma are the domestic ticketing service provider, Tiketti Oy, and the sustainability agency Positive Impact Finland Oy.

Tiketti is a Finnish ticketing pioneer and an expert in event marketing that serves thousands of events throughout Finland every year. The company employs over 50 event industry professionals. Tiketti’s operations are guided by a love for great events and a desire to be the Event Organizer’s best friend. Tiketti’s customers include, among others, festivals, sport teams, music clubs, theatres, fairs, concert halls, cities, and organisations. The most crucial value for Tiketti is caring. Tiketti genuinely cares about events, customers, and corporate responsibility. Tiketti has been awarded altogether 11 times as the ticket seller of the year at Music x Media Industry Gala, and its mission is to continue to be the most awarded and genuinely caring partner in the event industry.

Positive Impact is a full-service sustainability agency with the goal of promoting the well-being of the planet and all its species. Positive Impact helps its clients identify and manage sustainability issues in a changing world and work effectively towards a sustainable future. Positive Impact has partnered with numerous creative industry operators in advancing sustainability and has developed programs and tools for the music industry, such as Viileä musiikki – Cool is the New Hot and

The project is managed by the Finnish Jazz Federation, and the technical implementation of the platform is handled by Positive Impact Finland. Funding for the platform has been received from the European Union’s Recovery and Resilience Facility granted by the Ministry of Education and Culture in Finland, from the Finnish Music Foundation MES, ESES, and members of the KEMUT network.

Behind the Elma project is the KEMUT (Toolkit for a more sustainable live music industry) network. The members of the network are the Finnish Jazz Federation, Finland Festivals, LiveFin, Music Finland, the Finnish Musicians’ Union, and the Finnish Symphony Orchestras Association. The network was established in the spring 2020 to promote sustainable development in the live music industry in Finland.

Contact information and additional details

Project Coordinator Anu Ahola:, tel 050 569 0505
Project Producer Petra Piiroinen:, tel. 041 548 7098
Executive Director (Finnish Jazz Federation) Maria Silvennoinen:, tel. 050 536 7491

Partnering with Elma?

Would you like to join forces with Finland’s live music professionals to build a more ecologically, socially, economically, and culturally sustainable cultural sector, society, and planet? is now seeking new partners whose operations are guided by responsibility and sustainable development.