Development subsidy for Jazz Federation members – application open Nov 21–Dec 19, 2022
Finnish Jazz Federation’s organisational members are invited to apply for a development subsidy. The maximum support on this application round is €1,000. The application is open 21 November -19 December 2022.
Jazz Federation’s members are invited to apply for a development subsidy towards new development projects which complement their core activities. The new support scheme was launched in 2019 in order to respond to the needs of organisational members through a new type of service, as well as to support members’ new initiatives striving to develop their operations.
What kind of activities are supported? How big is the grant?
Eligible development projects include expanding or further developing existing activities, or implementing new collaboration schemes. The subsidy cannot be applied for supporting the organisation’s core operations.
The subsidy can be used to cover expenses related to personnel or travel costs in the planning or early stages of a new project, procurement of outsourced services, or meeting and visiting expenses. The subsidy cannot be used towards artist fees or concert production costs. The subsidy is designed to enable specific development work that cannot be funded through the organisation’s core funding, and that advances a professional planning and project development process.
In the 2022 application round, a subsidy will be granted to one development project, to the maximum amount of €1,000.
How to apply? When are the decisions made?
Informal subsidy applications (1–4 pages) must include a project budget.
The subsidy decision will be made by the Board of Jazz Finland. The recipient will be announced in February 2023.
The subsidy will be paid out to the successful applicant prior to the beginning of their development project. The subsidy recipient must submit a written project report within a year of receiving the subsidy payment.
Applications received and more information provided by:
Executive Director
Maria Silvennoinen