Finnish Jazz Federation’s Carbon Footprint Report 2022: Major sustainability projects increased total emissions, despite comparable overall emissions decreased
In the carbon footprint report 2022 prepared by Puuni Oy for the Finnish Jazz Federation, the transition from the COVID-19 period towards normal operations and the significant sustainability projects of the Jazz Federation are evident. The report states that the carbon footprint scope defined by the Finnish Jazz Federation has been notably comprehensive and has undergone substantial development between the reporting periods.
Finnish Jazz Federation implements annually its Eco Compass environmental program commitment: we reduce emissions from our productions and support our members’ environmental efforts. For its climate work, Finnish Jazz Federation commissioned an external expert to calculate the first carbon footprint based on emissions in 2021. The calculation was repeated for emissions in 2022. The regular calculation aims for Finnish Jazz Federation to identify and understand its emissions, enabling the organization to develop strategies to eliminate unnecessary emissions.
The carbon footprint for Finnish Jazz Federation in 2022 amounted to 96,7 tons of carbon dioxide equivalents, approximately equivalent to the annual electricity consumption of 97 two or three-person apartment units in a multi-story or row house. Of this, 96,9 % constituted scope 3 emissions, i.e., indirect emissions stemming from activities such as event production, procurement, services and business-related travel. The report illustrates the transition from the COVID-19 period towards normal operations and highlights the significant sustainability projects of Finnish Jazz Federation, contributing to an 80 % increase in total emissions, despite a 5% decrease in comparable total emissions.
Finnish Jazz Federation’s carbon footprint calculation employs an operational control boundary, encompassing relevant emissions over which the Federation has influence. For instance, emissions related to tour concert organization or emissions from the Espa concert venue are not accounted for in the report, as these fall outside Finnish Jazz Federation’s administrative control.
The largest emissions from events – emissions from purchased services significantly increased due to sustainability projects
In 2022, events accounted for 61 % of emissions. This is expected as event organisation constitutes a primary operational activity for Finnish Jazz Federation, involving tangible actions such as transportation and accommodation. The greenhouse gas emissions from events increased by 55 % compared to 2021, attributed in part to the Carbon-Neutral Touring Model initiative, resulting in a multiple-fold increase in Finnish Jazz Federation events compared to a regular year.
A notable change from 2021 was the approximately 120 % increase in emissions from purchased services. In 2022, purchased services contributed to about 34 % of Finnish Jazz Federation’s total emissions. Projects like the Elma initiative, creating a digital sustainability platform for the music industry (contributing to about 52 % of procurement emissions), and the Carbon-Neutral Touring Model project increased emissions in procurement. The On the Rails project addressing more sustainable European touring also contributed. As highlighted in the report, both the Elma digital platform and the Carbon-Neutral Touring Model were nationwide efforts within the live music industry, enhancing the positive impacts of Finnish Jazz Federation on its stakeholders.
Key developments and recommendations
The carbon footprint report acknowledges that Finnish Jazz Federation’s carbon footprint scope has been exceptionally comprehensive and has significantly evolved between the reporting periods of 2021 and 2022. Additionally, the inclusion of purchased services sets a strong example and aligns reporting practices with other live music industry players. The emissions determination for purchased services remains at a fairly general level for now, but as data is gathered, emission calculations can be refined in line with increasing research findings. Positive outcomes include a substantial reduction in emissions from travel (-40 %) and events (-25 %). Furthermore, Finnish Jazz Federation allocated 32 tons of CO2e, or 33 % of its 2022 emissions, towards Puuni Oy’s additional carbon sinks, in line with its environmental plan.
Regarding real event emissions, recommendations for Finnish Jazz Federation include enhancing opportunities for performers, staff and audiences to access event venues with lower emissions, promoting apartment accommodations or certified environmentally friendly hotels, reducing material procurements, and continuing to favor plant-based food offerings. Additionally, the Jazz Federation should focus on communicating undertaken measures and attendees’ own potential contributions to increase the event’s impact and position itself as a larger responsible entity in sustainability matters.
Within the Eco Compass program and Finnish Jazz Federation initiatives, efforts are being made to find means to reduce emissions across the entire music industry. Finnish Jazz Federation’s environmental program involves actions specifically aimed at reducing emissions from tours and the Jazz-Espa event through structural changes and practical adaptations. Finnish Jazz Federation’s Carbon-Neutral Touring Model project for 2022–2023 has established a roadmap for more sustainable tour operations. Jazz-Espa actively participated in the 2022 environmental calculation for the entire live music industry and is progressively developing its environmental program to better engage audiences and partners. Support for members’ environmental efforts is provided through informative materials, recommendations, and training. Environmental guidelines tailored for Finnish Jazz Federation tours have been developed in 2023 for performers, users of Finnish Jazz Federation tour buses, and organizers of tour concerts. One of the key projects coordinated by Finnish Jazz Federation is the development of the Elma digital platform., directed towards the entire music industry, serves as an excellent tool for sustainability planning in the music sector.